

Shounanen is located in Kosaka, Matsuyama City, and is engaged in the production and sale of tea and gift items.

Since its establishment in 1973, the company has been producing tea with the highest standards of taste, aroma, and color.

By limiting the number of specific producers, we have been able to clarify the traceability of the tea leaves, which allows us to see the faces of the producers.
They believe that their mission is to continue to offer safe and secure products that are made in cooperation with the producers.

They hope their customers will enjoy the taste and aroma of tea that cannot be found in plastic bottled tea.

They are proud of their organic tea produced by enthusiastic tea growers in the Kirishima region of Kagoshima, Yame tea in Fukuoka, and Shizuoka tea growers.
By limiting the number of specific producers, they have been able to clarify the traceability of the tea leaves, which allows them to see the faces of the producers.

One of their products Kuma-Cha Daifuku is Recommended by Ehime Prefecture Officials as One of the Best Souvenirs!

Kuma-Cha Daifuku is made from Kuma Kogen tea (Called Kuma tea), which has been grown in Kuma Kogen Town, Ehime Prefecture for about 380 years!

Kuma tea, grown in Kuma Kogen Town, Ehime Prefecture, has a unique aroma and sweetness due to the large difference in temperature between day and night.
Carefully selected stems of the first tea are roasted to the core over a long period of time.
Since the company processes the "sencha" into powder form at its own factory, the flavour of the tea is not lost, and the aroma spreads when you take a bite of the Daifuku.
The Daifuku made with this tea has a deep flavour, as if you are having tea. Enjoy the fragrant, elegant sweet aroma of the tea.

*Sencha (煎茶) is a type of Japanese ryokucha (緑茶, green tea) which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water.

Enjoy Selections from Shounanen
1.  Kuma-Cha Daifuku
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